We’ve been here a week! Wahoo!
We were supposed to be here two weeks ago, but due to a lost passport mishap which we only realized the night before, we had to cancel our flights, make a few trips to the consulate and finally rebook one week later.
Our Flight:
Travelling with two cats turned out to be smoother than we thought and dared to hope. Poor little furballs were troopers. It wasn’t until the final car ride into town at 2am that Athena made a bit of a mess in her carrier. Otherwise, they were great and some time we are probably going to write a whole blog post on travelling with cats.

During our connection we decided to spoil ourselves in anticipation of small airline meals. Food at the Houston airport was AMAZING. There are many many places to eat, but if you ever want to try really amazing cheesy seafood fondu and wash it down with some great local beers, you must check out Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen in Terminal E.
Felinus Vacationus Endus:
So the first thing we did the next morning was go pick up Jupiter, who has been enjoying his Ecuadorian lifestyle for a while now. He looked super happy at the cat sitter’s home where he made friends with a puppy. When we finally brought him home his vacation was over and he was back to hissing at his siblings, both of whom were still a fair bit cranky themselves. Not quite the reunion we’d hoped for.
After a few days all three have now settled. Max and Athena have spent about 97.7384628% of their time outside wandering in the grass and basking in the sun, a luxury they haven’t had since they were strays.

Welcome to the Rather Tall Grass:
Learning to adapt to living amongst spiders and crickets. Also learning how smart spiders are. Yard is a home to a small army of nature’s minions and in need of some trimming.
And burs. So many many burs. We’ve spent most of our waking hours picking them out of our socks, pants and Athena’s long hair.

Equatorial Tanning Salon:
If you are pasty and prone to burning, make sure to wear sunscreen. Sun is deceptively strong. Did not take long before a certain neck went a painful red and we couldn’t find the sunscreen we had stashed.
A Light In The Dark:
We made our first fire!! It was small but nice and cozy. After some false starts with damp wood it was nice to get a warm aura on a chilly night.
Propriedad Con Gas:
We got fed up that people keep knocking on our door asking for gas. (The property we live on was previously owned by a guy who sells gas tanks). So Roger went to go buy white paint to cover the outdoor sign. He asked for “Blanco”. They sold him an ugly cream colour. Oh well.

Hammer meet …:
Roger’s first attempt at a carpentry project! Rule #1. Don’t hit your thumb with a hammer! After some good old loud English swearing and putting on the finishing touches here is the result!
The cats climb it…… occasionally.

All Access Pass:
Cat door! Yep we made a hole through our door so our furry butts can go in and out as they please, even thought it’s damn cold at night. We still need to figure out a cover.