A few months back we went to Colombia on vacation. We had an amazing time. Hopefully sometime soon we will have a chance to write up a post about that. Here is a sneek into what went down: View this post on Instagram A typical picture of us. We found a tienda in Las Flores…
Category: Pets and Animals
We love our dogs, our cats, anything with a fuzzy butt!

Swallow Your Soul
So one of our neighbours had a small brown dog, a tiny little thing who’s got some issues. We first named her “swallowyoursoul” ala Deadites from the Evil Dead movies because she’d go absolutely haywire barking with her teeth bared and a dangerously unhinged look in her eyes if you went within 10 feet of…

Athena the Warrior Princess R.I.P. 2014 – 2017
We lost Athena on Wednesday. That morning we weren’t woken up by her meowing at the door at 6am. That morning she wasn’t sitting on Roger’s chest meowing in his face to get up and feed her. That morning she wasn’t under our feet meowing for breakfast in the kitchen. That morning she wasn’t fighting…

Welcome Tali!
So it’s almost two weeks since we got Tali! We’ve been wanting a dog since we got down here, but we were thinking it would be too bold to get a puppy before construction. So it was a little unexpected but not totally surprising when Malena called Thursday evening excited saying “I almost adopted a dog!”…

Week 1: Late arrivals and not so happy cat reunion.
We’ve been here a week! Wahoo! We were supposed to be here two weeks ago, but due to a lost passport mishap which we only realized the night before, we had to cancel our flights, make a few trips to the consulate and finally rebook one week later. Our Flight: Travelling with two cats turned out…